Tuesday, December 23, 2014


First of all, an apology to Walnut Hills.  I've been behind a post for about a month and I am finally ready to catch up, so Walnut Hills gets short changed their time in the lime light as the main post.  They'll miss a chance at the immense amount of traffic coming to the main site.

Secondly,  some kind of glitch is going on with this page.  Some of the images I put up here in the summer are cropping up in random spots and I can't seem to get rid of them, I can't even see them from the editing site.  So the first two pictures are out of place.

Madison Ohio was founded in 1809 and named after the just elected James Madison.  Later the name was changed to Madisonville to avoid confusion with other towns named Madison.  Madisonville has a wide range of economic situations in its varioius areas.  Overall, Madisonville has seen some depression over the past couple decades, but there are still many bright spots in terms of nice historic homes and plenty of businesses to bring jobs to the area.  It seems to me that it would be a perfect place for a rebirth since it is surrounded by Indian Hill, Mariemont, and Madeira.  Yet my students from the area called it Mad-ville, not just as an abbreviation, but as a reference to the craziness that could go down in the neighborhood sometimes.  A map of Madisonville is below.

So, as I've said before, look at neighborhood signs to start getting ideas.  I've seen this sign below at several spots and the neighborhood symbol appears on all of them as well as some neighborhood banners.  See the sign below.

The same logo appears on their community council web page.

I guess that is some kind of gable representing some of the historic homes in the area.  So I made some flags trying to incorporate their chosen symbol, although as a flag element, I have to say it is not the best.  The other thing I need is a color scheme.  I'll take the blue from the sign, and I guess it was white at one point?  Maybe silver would give it some uniqueness.


I don't know if I've seen silver as a prominent element on a flag before.  Let me try out a few more color schemes.  First, I haven't done a yellow and green flag and I think those look nice.  So here is


But then my mind turned towards James Madison himself.  When I googled his name to get ideas, one of the items that came up was the university named after him.  James Madison University's colors are purple and gold.  So here is...


But then I also saw their logo.  Here it is below.

So I next tried a few flags using the Madison head from the University.  I went with the blue and silver color scheme, but you can easily imagine how these would look with the others.


A simple triple bar with a blank space in the canton to put a logo.  Not bad, I think, although the contrast between the white field and the silver is not optimal.

Next I tried a simple triple bar with a circle in the center and placed the logo there.


Next, a double bar flag with the canton used for the logo placement, a la Chile


Next I tried a Texas or North Carolina style version of a double barred flag.


And if you think I've exhausted flag styles in which I can put James Madison's face on it, well I've got one more for you.  This is called a pall, and I don't believe I have used it yet.


Next, I took the same basic flag design as above and tried to make a Cincinnati connection put putting a Cincinnati C around the circular field

The edges need to be cleaned up a bit.  Finally, and old trick is to look up the family crest if the neighborhood has a clear connection to a last name.  Remember that Washington D.C. was voted as the best flag in North America the North American Vexillological Society and it is based on a family crest.  See the post on Camp Washington for more info.

So here is one version of the Madison family crest, it is two crossed axes.

So I made one attempt at using this pretty cool symbol.


Well, I think that is a decent set of selections for Madisonville.  My apologies to Walnut Hills for short changing their exposure time, but now I am back on schedule and can hopefully stay that way.  

Votes and comments below.

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