Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kennedy Heights

Kennedy Heights is like a sister neighborhood to my Pleasant Ridge on our eastern (feels like northern though) border.  The map locating Kennedy Heights is below.

Few neighborhoods have a distinctive symbol already associated with them but Kennedy Heights does and they’ve had it for a long time.  They use the ying yang for their neighborhood symbol and even wrote a little story on its history here.   I remember seeing these signs when I lived in Pleasant Ridge the first time 8 years ago.

 As you can see from the picture above, the original version was black and white and had the lettering in it.  Just within the past couple years, the Kennedy Heights Community Council put up a new version of the logo on their new signs.  Here is a link to the Council’s webpage story and a picture of the newer signs below.

It’s a little hard to see the updating ying yang so here is a picture from the web page.

It looks like a Miami Dolphins fan got charged with updating the logo!  Anyway, my first attempts actually used the old black and white ying yang as the base.


I thought of this one like the flag of Japan, except the rising sun is replaced with the ying yang.

Then I tried to add a bit more definition to the flag and based this one off of the Israeli flag

Now there is white above the black bars like on the Israeli flag.

Then a simple tweak, taking out the dots from the ying yang.

Next, I tried a few using the updated Miami Dolphins colors

Again, there are white bars above the colored bars.
Removing the white bars and cleaning up the ying yang image a bit (by taking it from South Korea's flag) gave


Then I tweaked the colors a bit by actually using Miami Dolphin colors which I think I prefer and....


Finally I tried two crazy loud flags that I am not a fan of but thought I would throw up here anyway.


The above flag is based on the flag of St. Petersburg Florida.  Seen here

One last attempt is the one below.


I went back to my second Pleasant Ridge flag trying to use that saltire but I don’t think it works here.  I definitely like the darker Miami Dolphin colors compared to the ones I took from the website.  I also like the simplicity of flags 5 and 6, they are nice and clean.  

Please leave comments/suggestions/submissions below.

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