Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mount Lookout

This week’s neighborhood is Mount Lookout.  If you are a teenager from the Westside, a map is below.

 This is neighborhood that I could actually see residents proudly (proudly in both the positive and negative connotation) flying flags outside their homes.  It would also be interesting (if there were actually neighborhood flags) to see who would fly this flag versus a Hyde Park flag in the often disputed neighborhood boundary discussions. 

Now good places to start for the idea for a neighborhood flag are
  1.   Neighborhood banners (if there are any)
  2.   Welcome to …. Neighborhood signs.
  3.  Community council webpages.

So here is a neighborhood banner.

And a welcome to sign

And the logo from the community council webpage

So, it is clear Mt. Lookout identifies themselves with the Cincinnati Observatory quite heavily so any good flag would have that on it.

I started with a simple flag and took the Cincinnati Observatory logo (don’t sue me Dean Regas) and made this first attempt.


I took out the words from the logo as per the rules for a good flag.  This picture of the observatory is more stylized than the three above and works better on a flag.

It felt like it needed something more so I tried adding some color to the flag like these three below.




Then I decided to incorporate stars because they are a common flag element and what the observatory is often looking at and created the this below.


Then to try and simplify it down to a two toned flag I used white instead of gold stars


I can't decide which of the last two I prefer.  FLAG 6 is simpler which is good, but the splash of color from the yellow stars in FLAG 5 is also nice.

Please leave comments/suggestions/designs below and vote for your favorite.


  1. Flag 5 for sure. The yellow is a must to give the flag some energy!

  2. I agree with the esteemed Baron of Barron; the pop off color adds a needed but of flair.
