Sunday, October 12, 2014

Camp Washington

If you had to guess how Camp Washington got its name, you'd probably get pretty close to the right answer.  The neighborhood was once the site of a military camp named after George Washington.  It was a training camp for soldiers in the Mexican-American War.  Camp Washington today might be most famous for Camp Washington Chili, seen many times on going to commercial shots of Monday and Sunday Night Football games.  A map of Camp Washington is below.

The most obvious angle to work with this flag is the Washington angle.  There is a mural in Camp Washington that is "campy" with Washington on it.

The North American Vexillogical Association ranked US city flags.  They picked 150 of the biggest cities in the country and reviewed their flags.  Cincinnati came in 22nd by the way.  The number one flag in the country went to Washington D.C.  The flag is below.

This flag is based off of George Washington's family coat of arms.  The coat of arms is below.

If this is the best city flag in the country, then it is a good flag to work from.  In my personal opinion, it is a great flag.
1. Simple enough a kid can draw it from memory.
2. Meaningful symbols, tying to Washington for whom the city is named.
3. Only 2 colors.
4. No lettering or seals.
5. Is distinctive among US flags.

The first attempt I made was to parallel this flag very closely.  The only change I made was to switch the red bars to red waves to parallel the Cincinnati flag as well.  The result is below.


But this might be TOO close to the Washington D.C. flag.  So to differintiate it a bit more AND to parallel the Cincinnati flag a bit more, I changed the waves to blue.  It still resembles the Washington coat of arms and looks like the Cincinnati flag.


I then tried something I have tried before, and took the Cincinnati flag and recolored it, switching the blue and the red.  The C could now stand for Camp Washington.  This was not distinct enough for me from the Cincinnati flag and others I've created but I show it below to show the creative process.  Still, if you like it, you can vote for it.

To make the above flag reference the Washington flag, I removed the middle wave.  That get's us back to two bars/waves like the D.C. flag.  Then I put in the three stars to complete the coat of arms reference.


Below is just a simple color swap out of curiosity, but it loses its references to the Washington flag a little without the white background.


Then, I went back to FLAG 3.  This time to reference Washington, I just put his silhouette in the middle of the C.  Now we have a overt reference to Cincinnati and the C stands for Camp and the silhouette makes it Camp Washington.  


Finally, I tried a very similar approach, but put a W in the middle of the C to stand for Camp Washington.  Lettering is bad, I know, but I just wanted to try it.  It looks a bit like a corporate logo, though.

I welcome votes/comments/submissions!

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