Sunday, October 5, 2014

East Westwood

First of all, wouldn't Eastwood be a better name than East Westwood?  Second of all, why does East Westwood exist as a separate neighborhood?  Normally these separations are about property values, but East Westwood does not have higher property values than Westwood.  I have a theory which maybe a long time resident of the area can confirm.  I have seen on some maps the area around East Westwood/Fay referred to as Northwest Fairmount.  Sometimes the news will still  mention (typically for shootings unfortunately) Northwest Fairmount when referrring to these neighborhoods. Maybe since (no offense intended) there is nothing nice in the Fairmounts, but there are some nice parts of Westwood, maybe to the residents of this neighborhood, East Westwood sounded better than Northwest Fairmount.    I don't know much about East Westwood, I have only driven past it on Westwood Northern Boulevard on my way to Green Township.  The map of East Westwood is below.

Since there is seems to be no good reason that East Westwood would separate from Westwood, maybe they were forcebly kicked out or removed.  Maybe, like East Germany they long to rejoin with the Fatherland.

That inspired the first flag.  The colors are the pan-Westside colors.  The trees are taken from the Oakland flag and like they did for Westwood, stands for the "woods."  The "rip" in the middle stands for the two Westwoods unjustly torn apart.


There is a sign near East Westwood, that gives me another starting point.

So East Westwood is the "Jewel of the Westside"  I decided to try the jewel approach to the flag.  That made me think of the flag of Arkansas.

The diamond shape in the flag is because Arkansas is the only state in which diamonds have been mined.  The 25 stars around the perimeter are because Arkansas was the 25th state.  The four stars in the center are for the four countries Arkansas has been a part of.  Spain, France, and USA are the three stars below the word Arkansas.  The one above, you ask, why the Confederacy of course would get top billing.  I saw this suggested fix for the flag.

It gets rid of the unnecessary Arkansas and removes the star for the Confederacy, because, allegiance to your ancestors shouldn't mean allegiance to their mistakes.

Anyway, using the Arkansas flag as inspiration, I came up with


It uses the Westside purple, the Westwood tree, and the East Westwood Jewel.  

Finally, I thought of the flag of Bavaria.

The diamond pattern on a flag is called a lozengy flag.  Since it is "jewel" like I tried this simple flag.


And this busier version of it.


But I think that one looks too much like a bad wallpaper pattern.

Finally, I had already come up with the idea of Pan-Fairmount colors and since I have the theory that East Westwood actually came from an old Fairmount part of town, I created one more to reflect this cultural heritage.  Fairmount is a pretty industrial and "earthy" part of Cincinnati, so brown and gray seemed like appropriate colors for them.  I took Flag 2 and recolored it with Pan-Fairmount colors.



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