Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bond Hill

Bond Hill is this week's neighborhood.  It's coming a little late I know.  A map of Bond Hill is below, and it has a small border with my Pleasant Ridge neighborhood.  When I was researching the history of Bond Hill, I couldn't find much.  Not even entirely sure of the origin of the name of the neighborhood, but the leading candidate is that it was named after somebody named Bond who lived in the area.

Neighborhood signs are a good place to start if you don't have many ideas.  Unfortunately when I tried to find Bond Hill signs on the internet, this is all I could find.

Not much inspiration there.

One thing that always comes to my mind when I think of Bond Hill is often a Metro bus will say Bond Hill Garage if it is out of service and heading "home."  Metro is important to keep the city working and since the Metro buses are stored in Bond Hill, maybe that can be their "thing".

I then thought about the poles that are painted to indicate a Metro stop.  They are orange with a blue stripe, although often they are just orange.  Here is a picture of a stop sign near my house painted to indicate a Metro stop.

So I decided to create a flag inspired by a Metro pole.  Here is my first attempt.


That's a pretty solid flag if you ask me from a mere aesthetic point of view, although its meaningful connection to the neighborhood is weak.

I tried another version of the same basic idea.  This time I simply took the flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and recolored it to match the simpler flag above.  

First the DRC flag.

And the Bond Hillerized version in which I added a white fibrimation (border) to the the star.


I swapped the colors next.  It loses the Metro pole refernce, but it's a nice looking flag.


I designed these flags in the summer.  Since then new Bond Hill neighborhood signs have gone up.  Here is a picture of one below.

A big improvement on the one pictured above, although it is small.  The logo isn't great, but it's something to work off of at least.  The color scheme of blue, silver, and lime green is kind of nice, reminds me of the Seattle Seahawks.  It would be a uniqe combo but I've already used the Seattle Sounders colors for Linwood, and they are similar.  But I think I will try a second round of flags with Seattle Seahawks colors and trying to recreate to bh logo.    

First I wanted to show some color comparison between colors. 

Seattle Sounders colors.

Current Seattle Seahawks colors (since 2012)

So first I just tried FLAGS 1 and 2 recolored with the new colors and adding a mark inspired by the bh logo because I had trouble recreating exactly and I wanted it to be just a tad more abstract.




Finally, I thought of how my first association with anybody named Bond is James Bond.  So I decided to make a James Bond themed flag.

Here is the James Bond logo.

And my James Bond inspired Bond Hill flag.


As always, votes and comments appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Flag 6 may violate the "keep it simple" design rule, but man is it unique and eye-catching! Gotta give you props for a fun design on that one.
