Monday, November 17, 2014

Spring Grove Village (aka Winton Place)

What's in a name?  Would the neighborhood Spring Grove Village called by any other name smell as sweet?  According to a majority of residents of SGV, the answer is yes.  Until recently Spring Grove Village was known as Winton Place.  The problem arose with the association most people have with the word Winton.  Winton, in many people's minds means Winton Terrace, a housing project in neighboring Winton Hills neighborhood.  The people of Winton Place often found themselves saying, no it's Winton PLACE, not Winton TERRACE!  So the neighborhood voted to change the name to associate themselves with the most famous and beautiful institution in their neighborhood, Spring Grove Cemetery.  You can see in the map below that this is from when it was still called Winton Place.

Spring Grove Village came up with a little logo for their signs when the underwent the name change.

I have also seen this tulip looking logo on a car decal.  A tulip design is the place to start then, I think.  I tried to recreate the flower in the actual logo, but couldn't quite pull it off.  But, I think you can get the idea from the flags I created below with a different tulipy type image.  I didn't have a lot of time this week so I mainly used some basic flag template based off of some common but good flag designs.

First a symbol Quebec style flag with the Spring Grove Tulip in the four corners of a cross flag.  I wanted earthy colors, similar to the earthy ones on the sign above.


Next I tried a Canadian style flag


Next I went for for a Norwegian style flag.  With the Tulip placed in the upper hoist canton.


Next I tried a very similar design, but off of the Finland flag which has a thicker and monotone cross.


Finally, a flag based off of the flag of Amsterdam (seen below)


Aesthetically I think I like Flag 1 the best, but I have used that before.  Flag 3 looks nice, but again I used the Norway flag as the template for Hartwell.  I don't think I've used the Flag 5 style before so that might give it a boost.  Let me know what you think.  

Votes and comments below.

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