Sunday, November 2, 2014


Tiny, not very well known Sedamsville.  It's easy to miss Sedamsville as you drive through the other of Cincinnati's most famous neighborhoods: Lower Price Hill, Riverside, and Sayler Park.  Maybe you have never even heard of it or at least don't know where it is.  Sedamsville is located on the map below.

Sedamsville, as tiny as it is, has one very famous native son, Pete Rose.  Even if a Sedamsville flag had existed pre-Charlie Hustle, they certainly would have redesigned it in his honor.  I make no statement here as to the quality of Pete Rose's charachter, by the way, I'm just saying, if your neighborhood was just a few blocks and one of the most (in)famous baseball players ever grew up there, you would talk about it.

So for the first flag I did, I was looking for a nice template, probably from a British flag because they are generally the best.  I wanted something with waves, because Sedamsville is on the river, and an area to put a symbol for Pete Rose.  I found this flag for Hertfordshire County Uk

That will work well.  The shield almost looks like a home plate.....almost.  I made the waves Cincinnati blue and put in a symbol of two crossed bats and a baseball.  The Roman numerals are for 4,256, the record for most hits held by Pete Rose to this day.


Then, I tried with a different symbol, because the baseball bats seem generic.  This time the 14 stands for Pete Rose since that was his jersey number.


But then I thought a better, simpler symbol might be a rose.  So I took a Tudor Rose from the flag of Lancashire County.

I now got rid of the reference to the number of hits and put the 14 below the rose.


I like this one.  I wanted to try a few more things.  I saw another workable British flag which looks better I think.  This is the flag of Worcester County.

So I changed the background to white and the waves to Cincinnati blue.  I like this because it parallels the Cincy flag well.  But then again, maybe Flag 3 would help Sedamsville's flag stand out from the Cincy flag with all the blue waves.  Then again again, the Cincy flag does have 3 waves to this one's two.


After looking at the above flag I came to the conclusion that the rose and the 14 are redundant symbols for Pete Rose, so I wanted to take the 14 out.  Then I thought Pete Rose played for the Reds and I could put a reference to that by making the background red instead of white.  Also, this helps the flag stand out, because I haven't made any flags (that I consider I strong candidate) that are predominately red.


In my opinion, these flags got progressively better each time.  This is a fine looking flag, largely because I just took well designed elements from other flags.

Votes/Comments/Submissions always welcome.

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