Wednesday, August 6, 2014



When I was reading articles about West Price Hill to try to come up with another flag a ran across this article about residents of Covedale who want to officially separate from West Price Hill and be recognized as their own official neighborhood by the city!  Residents claim people from Covedale have always said "I'm from Covedale!" and never I'm from the Covedale area of West Price Hill."  Would the city allow this?! A 53rd neighborhood?!  How would we do a blog post a week in a year then?  This is like our own little eastern Ukraine.  Soon the People's Republic of Covedale will be set up.  Armed militias will start showing up who actually seem like they might be from Delhi and not Price Hill at all!  (On a serious note, the use of flags is key on all sides of the Ukrainian crisis.).  But seriously, if you read the article, Roxanne Qualls suggested covering up some of the West Price Hill Signs because it was ticking off some Covedalers!  Covedale must have lost because I was at the Covedale library branch recently and placed in front of the library and Covedale Center for the Performing Arts (the two most prominent buildings that say Covedale on them) is a West Price Hill sign, as if the West Price Hill Civic Club is sticking it to those Covedalers.  

My first attempt was to take the Cincinnati flag and make it Covedaley.  This is because Covedale wants to gain recognition from the city so they are going to appeal to their history.  I couldn't decide what color to make the C, but yellow seemed to work.


So the purple and white are for the pan-Westside colors.  The C is for Covedale.  The flag references the city's flag to show how it is a part of Cincinnati.  The gold color of the Covedal C represents the golden opportunities in their newly founded status!

I then tried a different color combination.

I feel like something should go inside that C, but I don't know what a symbol for Covedale is.  I prefer the look of FLAG 2, but I feel it would be too easily confused with the actual Cincinnati flag which make me then start to lean towards FLAG 1.  Tough call.

Then I thought to try something a bit more unique but still with the same basic idea.  So I looked at some other flags with a C on it like the Cincinnati flag but different to give Covedale a bit more of its own identity. 

So I found this flag for Collin County Texas.  It's a decent flag in my opinion.  It has a styalized C on it for Collin that is not too overtly a C and the colors of the C and the star represent the flag of Texas. 

So I took this design and used the pan-Westside colors, replacing the star with the West Price Hill Panther.

Flag 3

And then swapping some colors.


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