Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Prospect Hill BONUS FLOG POST!

Mt. Auburn, like West Price Hill, has a sub-neighborhood that often tries to differentiate itself from the larger neighborhood that the city considers it a part of.  Usually this is for property value related reasons.  Anyway, the front slope of Mt. Auburn often calls itself Prospect Hill.  These are the few streets heading up Sycamore and running over to Highland that have the old fixed up homes with the spectacular views.  So I created a flag for them.  I took the key idea from Mt. Auburn, this time swiping a different key from a different flag.  I decided to use a chevron to symbolize the Hill itself.  As for the colors, I wanted a way to evoke Prospect, which made me think of the 49ers and the Gold Rush, so I used the San Francisco 49ers colors.  The result was...


This is nice because it gives the Prospectors an unique color scheme.

Then I thought, maybe the Prospectors might want to retain some links to their Mt. Auburn Uptown heritage, so I used the pan-Uptown colors.


I picture Prospectors identifying more with Downtown/OTR/Pendleton area, though, because that would be much easier to bike or walk to.

Two choices for this one is all there is.  Comments/Votes/Submissions below.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that Prospect Hill would definitely abandon any uptown association in their quest for independence, so I had to go with Flag #1.
