Sunday, August 17, 2014


If you're not from the Eastside, you probably have never even heard of Linwood.  Even if you're from the Eastside you might not have heard of it unless you often drive on the Beechmont Levee.  So this map is probably more necessary than usual.

If you ever have been through Linwood, you may have noticed that it is pretty much just Eastern Avenue.  Notice the map above puts Lunken Airport in the East End.  I've always associated it with Linwood.  Come on East End, you've already got the river and all those fancy new condos! Let Linwood have something!  It even gives Otto Armleder Park to the East End and if you know where that is, people definitely associate it with Linwood. One very popular location in Linwood is Terry's Turf Club, arguably the best burger in the city.  So here ya go Linwood, your first flag


This flag represents a burger with lettuce and tomato!  

But look here at this image from the Linwood Community Council web page.
Linwood logo

So you can see by the plane that they ARE claiming Lunken Airport.  That's good because I don't have much else to work with.  

So I found a logo lookin thingy with a plane on it from the internet and used that on my next attempts.


This flag is based on the Brazilian flag just because it works well with circular logo type thingys.  The colors are from the Cincinnati flag.  

Switching the colors


But maybe Linwood wants their own colors!  Here is a picture of some ladies standing in front of a Welcome to Linwood sign

I actually drove by one of these signs earlier in the blog a took a couple pictures myself.  One thing I noticed was the blue and green were brighter and had clearly faded in the photo.  So I went with a brighter blue and green.  I have to guess at the original colors, so I used the logo of the Seattle Sounders for colors.


But I love trying to throw in a Cincinnati reference into the flag.  So I made this flag.  Keeping the waves and logo one color.  This blue comes from the Cincinnati flag.


And this one, making the logo like the red C on the Cincinnati flag.

Then I tried the above style with "Linwood" colors.  


and swapping colors and making the background Linwood blue like the signs


And then a little tweak to the flag above, making the waves white to give a bit more color distinction.


I really like FLAG 5, but the simple colors make the logo look a little too logoy, a bad thing for a civic flag. Flags 7 and 8 give the neighborhood some distinction with unique colors.  The plane in the disk represents a plane taking off as the sun rises over the Little Miami valley.  The waves represent the Little Miami River, Duck Creek, and the Ohio River while paralleling the waves on the Cincinnati flag to indicate that Linwood is a part of Cincinnati.

But then I looked at the close up photos I took of the sign and realized I lost an obvious design possibility.  

The three leaves and maybe even the semi circular looking thing.

So I created the flag below.  Originally, the semicircle was white, but that didn't contrast well with the leaves so I made it yellow.


I think this flag looks a bit elementary.  If I had the time it might work if executed a bit better.

As always, votes and comments appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Voted #6, but I might have considered trying to do something with that bell tower thingy from their logo on the council website
